Arriving At Paradise: Zanzibar Island

As we packed our things to leave Tanzania, along with no step by step plans of how, where and when, we headed out to discover the unknowns of Zanzibar in Africa . Down at the seaport, with no pre-booked ferry tickets and luggage galore we were prime targets for street touts, and we were soon ushered into the booking office of one particular ferry company who promised that they would get us onto the 10am ferry despite it being 9:58 am. Needless to say, as we were speeding down towards the ferry terminal (I was actually running so quickly that I tripped myself up on my flip flops), the boat took off and there was nothing left to do but watch it sail away and then wait two hours for the next one. Luckily, the waiting area was very plush indeed; there were comfy armchairs and even free English breakfast tea – quite the rarity in Tanzania, and it soon felt more like we were enjoying a Saturday morning in Starbucks than waiting at the port of Dar es Salaam! During the two h...